Awesome Escape Room Puzzle Ideas

We love going to escape rooms as a family, we also really like to create our own at home, these escape room puzzle ideas are so much fun.

Spiral Word Puzzle

I have written the next clue at the end of the spiral. But you could mix up a favorite poem and add in “wrong” words that all together would give them the clue.

You can easily create a newspaper clipping with a special code in it.

Fake Newspaper

If you are looking for riddles check out Brainzilla for some really cool ones, for both kids and adults.


Create a clue on a fake receipt. This one I have kept fairly simple by writing the clue with the vowels missing, but you can write what you like.

Fake Receipt

This missing letter generator is great as you can choose to take out vowels only, or whatever letters you want.

Letter With Missing Text

Create your own free text conversation and you can either print it out as we did, or you could take a photo of it on your phone and it’ll be more realistic.

Fake Text Conversation

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