Teach by Dennis Dinoia: Creating Independently Responsible Learners

Mr D Math has only gone and written a book! I don’t hide the fact that we love Mr. D in our homeschool. So when I saw Teach by Dennis Dinoia on Amazon I had to grab a copy.

We actually attended a homeschool convention last year and were lucky enough to attend one of his seminars.

He is one of the most passionate educators I have come across and it absolutely shows in both his book and his curriculum.

Carry on reading for my honest review of Teach by Dennis Dinoia, and see why it is one of my favorite books about homeschooling.


**Disclosure: I was compensated for my time to write this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other homeschool families will enjoy. There may be affiliate links in this post.**

My Favorite Homeschool Book

I received my copy of Teach by Dennis Dinoia at the perfect time, as I was about to go on vacation to England.

I always try to take a book about homeschooling on holiday with me and TEACH: Creating Independently Responsible Learners was a perfect choice.

We have been homeschooling for 4 years (1 year in the UK, and the last 3 years in Florida) and we have learned so much on the way.

TEACH: Creating Independently Responsible LearnersTEACH: Creating Independently Responsible Learners


Freddie absolutely is an independent learner and this book just gave me the push I needed to encourage this even more.

It was almost like TEACH was written for me. All the way through the book I was yes, that’s me, or wow that’s why that works! But it also made me realize I could go further.

Teach by Dennis Dinoia

Math is my son’s favorite and best subject so he had been checking his own work since he started homeschool middle school last year. But why did I only allow him to check his own work in math?

The subject he excelled in, and never got anything wrong. We have, since reading TEACH, started getting him to check his own work in ALL subjects. It’s only been a week, but I can honestly not believe the difference.

I challenge you, apart from of course ordering TEACH to try this in your own homeschool, or school. Give it a week and I promise you will see a difference.

We absolutely love Mr. D Math, check out all of the classes he has to offer in his catalog. But they all promote independent learning, and all the ones we have taken are FANTASTIC.

Teach by Dennis Dinoia

Mr. D was a public school teacher and his insight into grading papers, in particular, was so interesting. As we are now in middle school this is something we had started doing, and trust me it absolutely works.

If you are looking for a way to promote independence in your homeschool then I highly recommend TEACH: Creating Independently Responsible Learners.

We have even loved his Mr D ASL class and homeschool economics curriculum.

Last Updated on 19 July 2024 by Clare Brown

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