MyTutor Review: Best Online Tutors That Are Affordable Too

Online tutors are absolutely the way to go these days, and MyTutor is the best. Carry on reading for our honest MyTutor review, and why we struggle without them.

MyTutor has the very best online tutors in the UK. Simple.

We have tried others (I won’t name names, but I can assure you with absolute certainty that MyTutor is the best!)

Apart from anything else, it is so much more convenient than having someone in your house.

Keep reading to find out our honest MyTutor reviews and to find out how you can get 15 minutes free.

For other live online homeschool classes check out some other favourites.

MyTutor review. Boy happy is doing well in his online class at home.

**Disclosure: I was compensated for my time to write this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. I only share resources that I would use with my own family and those that I believe other homeschool families will enjoy. There may be affiliate links in this post.**

If you are looking for even more homeschool curriculum reviews check out the others we have reviewed over the years.


The answer to your homework and exam troubles is without a doubt MyTutor.

With a FREE 15 minute session to see what they are about, you have nothing to lose.

Long gone are the days when you could only get tutors that would come to the house.

At least with online tutoring, you don’t need to clean the house, haha. But in all seriousness, MyTutor has the best of the best tutors and they are just a zoom call away.

What’s even better than all of that is the price is very reasonable, from £20 an hour!

Why Use an Online Tutor?

There are so many reasons why online tutors are so popular:

  • Homeschool assistance
  • Preparing for exams
  • Deeper knowledge of a subject
  • Struggling in school
  • Have a lesson anywhere and any time to suit you
  • Recorded lessons, so you can go back and revisit a lesson if you need to.

As we homeschool we have a lot of live online classes with Outschool. I just can’t teach certain things.

I am more than capable of teaching maths, and history. But science and anything remotely arty is just not my forte. I buy workbooks and curriculum of course, but if he still doesn’t grasp something that I just can’t teach, we get an online tutor.

For some of the best homeschooling programs UK check out our favourites.

Why Use MyTutor?

Not only does MyTutor have exceptional young and talented tutors, but they also have over 10,000 FREE study notes. This is an example of one of the questions and answers.

My Tutor Free study notes

The tutors are handpicked from the UK’s leading universities. Each tutor is interviewed and only 1 in 7 applicants get accepted to be a MyTutor tutor. All of the tutors have either graduated a university or are currently studying in one.

What is great about this, is the tutors are not old.

Not that there is anything wrong with old people, but, we have found that Freddie connects more with these tutors than someone who is older. They talk about video games and sport, and it is just more natural.

MyTutor is trusted by over 600 schools and universities in the UK.

They have delivered over 1 million 1 to 1 lessons!

213,699 5 Star Reviews!

9.6/10 on Trust Pilot

My Tutor Review

The customer service is also excellent, if you have any questions just reach out and they will help.

How much does it cost for MyTutor?

The MyTutor prices vary depending on the teacher, however, prices start as low as £20 per hour.

You get a FREE 15 minutes before you book with as many tutors as you like until you find the right one.

You only pay for what you use, there are no sign-up fees or subscriptions.

Chose your tutor and you pay as you go.

What is the National Tutoring Program?

MyTutor is a registered tutoring company with the National Tutoring Program (NTP).

The NTP is a government-funded initiative. It aims to make tutoring available to schools, at a heavily subsidised rate, to help disadvantaged pupils.

If this applies to you contact your school teacher and see if it is something they already have in place.

Why you should hire an online tutor in your homeschool

Improved School Grades with MyTutor

MyTutor claims that the children make one-grade improvement in just ten lessons, over twice the progress of their peers.

What are the tutors like at MyTutor?

We have recently had an English online tutor through MyTutor, however, the tutor was also able to teach maths and economics as well. I was not expecting the tutors to help with more than one subject. So I was super happy.

The free 15 minutes with the tutor was so helpful. Especially as we homeschool and use an American curriculum that he was not familiar with. This was not a problem, though as we just scanned over the work he was doing that week to the tutor before the lesson.

My Tutor Review- Online Tutors

The meeting was held via the MyTutor website and it takes you to a whiteboard, with a small image of yourself and the tutor in the corner. It was very easy to write on the virtual whiteboard, so for calculations, it was great.

The tutor was incredibly engaging and very smiley (which really put Freddie at ease).

Why We Recommend MyTutor UK

We love the flexibility of MyTutor. You can have one-off lessons if you are struggling with a subject, or you can have ongoing lessons (with a 15% discount).

I love the fact you can have as many FREE 15 minute sessions until you find a tutor you like. Although according to them 3 out of 4 students have lessons with their first tutor! I have to say I can see why we used Oliver and he was fantastic.

My Tutor Booking Form

After you have had your FREE 15-minute chat, you can book your lessons. You don’t book anything before this chat. You can discuss your schedule during your session to see if the tutor can fit you in.

Is MyTutor Legit?

All online tutors have an enhanced DBS on file, and they never share personal information with the student.

All lessons are recorded, this is both for safety purposes, but also so the student can go back and revisit the lesson.

Last Updated on 8 July 2024 by Clare Brown

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